Trojans360 Articles

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On Staying in Los Angeles for College

As someone who grew up in Los Angeles, I was hesitant to go to college in my hometown. When I was accepted to USC, I was excited but had one major concern: I didn’t expect the experience to change me very much. What would I experience in the next four years that I hadn’t already? However, from the beginning, my college experience has been extremely unconventional.

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I Didn’t Love My USC Experience, But That’s Okay

As a graduating senior, I have a real swirl of mixed feelings going into my last week of college. I’m excited about my future, despite its uncertainties. I’m ready to leave LA and spend more time back home with my family, who I’ve missed quite a bit over the last three years. I’m not particularly upset about leaving USC, but I have been grappling with a strange sadness over the last few weeks, less for what I’m leaving behind and more for what never happened. 

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Senioritis: How I (Try To) Keep Myself on Track for the End of the School Year

As the weather begins to get warmer and my uncertain looming adult life gets closer and closer, my will to get any work done dwindles down further and further. I’ve had a serious case of senioritis since the beginning of March and have been falling behind in all of my classes. While it’s easy for me to say, “I made it! I have my degree,” the truth is, I still need to finish my finals and pass my classes. If you are anything like me, you also decided to save some of your hardest classes for your last semester of school. In order to get myself back in shape and finish my year off right, I’ve become stricter with myself! Here are some of the ways I’ve (tried to) keep myself on track.

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Consider Moving to DTLA

If you haven’t figured out your housing for next semester, you might be feeling panic or anxiety. With groups of roommates signing leases before the fall semester is over for the following year to get the prime apartments, it’s easy to feel swept up in making rash, impulsive choices in the name of having housing for next year. But the housing situation around USC is pretty bleak. There are a few major companies that seem to own all the available apartments and houses. They all offer unfavorable terms, sky-high pricing, and a slew of bad reviews on Yelp.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

I Dropped My SCA Major

Everytime I tell someone that I used to be in SCA, they have a visceral reaction. Usually it falls somewhere in between shocked and straight up shaming me for leaving the program. Yes, there is no denying that getting into the School of Cinematic Arts is an amazing opportunity – I will always be thankful that they gave me the chance to be a student there. This does not, however, change the fact that it was not for me.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

My Graduation Prep (Mistakes + Prices)

As a senior only weeks away from graduation, I am proud of myself for getting through four rigorous years at USC. At this point in my life, I should feel relaxed and happy because I’ve made it, but let me tell you, that could not be further from the truth. With graduation comes the extensive graduation prep, which no one warns you about! And if they do, trust me it’s way more expensive and time consuming than you think it is. I’m here to give you a rundown of all the things you should do and when to start in your spring semester as a senior so you don’t end up like me (pictureless and dressless three weeks away from grad!)

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Earth Month at USC

April is Earth Month – the one month of the year dedicated to education and awareness around environmental sustainability. With the numerous Earth ecosystems that rely on one another, we need to focus on conservation efforts and cultivating planet-positive habits.

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What It’s Really Like Living in New North (When You Didn’t Want To)

New North! The residential hall that everyone talks about like it’s one of the nine circles of hell. That’s where I spent most of my Freshman year, rotting away as I attempted to feed myself while simultaneously going to school (harder than it seems). I was not intentionally in New North. When I filled out the housing application, I put Birnkrant as my first choice, which was mainly because they had an elevator. Also, everyone online said that New North was the party dorm, which I wasn’t exactly for or against. It seemed like it had the potential to be entertaining but also very annoying. That’s exactly what it was like.

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Healthy Places to Channel That End of Semester Anxiety

I’ve been very guilty lately of pouring my end of semester-graduation-moving anxiety into endless doom-scrolling. When you’re anxious, it can be hard to focus or find a sense of relief from your whirling thoughts. You can’t work on school projects or studying for all of your waking hours (or at least you shouldn’t), so here’s some inspiration for where to channel any finals stress and anxiety that you’re feeling as the end creeps up.

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College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Should Freshmen Live in Sophomore Apartments? Advice From a USC Student Who Tried It

No matter what year you’re in, deciding where to live for the upcoming school year is always a daunting task. Whether it’s deciding to live on or off campus, finding something within your budget, or looking for suitable roommates, there are so many factors to consider in choosing a living situation. But, as incoming freshmen, it can be especially challenging. Before setting foot on campus, first-years have so much to learn, and understanding housing options is one of the first major steps into acclimating to college life.

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