Hey I was wondering how soon is too soon to transfer to another school within USC?

Some schools have requirements that you have to meet before you can transfer into them, so definitely check out the school’s/department’s website on what their requirements are for transfers. Typically, if you’re internally transferring across schools, you’d need to have spent at least one semester at USC because requirements for internal transfer include completing certain classes. Rule of thumb would be the sooner you determine that you want to internally transfer, the sooner you’d be able to do so (depending on the coursework you’ve already done + how that matches up with the school’s requirements).

Once you’re at SC, definitely check with your academic advisors too to make sure you can graduate on time.


My incoming sophomore is assigned in Century Apartments 2BR/4P Do you know if it’s furnished? Or what basic furniture is provided?


Does it cost money to join clubs or are those fees already covered in financial aid offer?