5 Reasons Why Living in USC Housing Rocks

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

While I am no longer living in USC housing, throughout my freshman year, I enjoyed living in New Residential College. While it was not a 5-star hotel by far, as a college student, living on-campus was extremely opportune. Also not everyone can have the best roommate ever, but hopefully everyone gets at least half that lucky. Get ready for nostalgia about freshman year and look at why USC housing is so convenient. 


Number 1: Cat Naps


Living on campus allowed me to go from class in VKC to my bed in 5 minutes flat. I took an 45 minute nap between finals last year. It’s so easy. For some reason, college just makes me want to take more naps and, you know what, with on-campus housing that’s easily done.

Number Two: FoOoOoOoOd


Food is literally downstairs. Now on weekends, I have to walk to Subway. Exercise in general is a complete downside to me, so having food a floor below me is a big plus. Now, while the food isn’t always good, hot chocolate and cereal were a staple in my diet last year. 

Number 3: Eat Better Food with Teachers!


If you live in Residential Halls, you have Faculty Master Dinners! That means that the Faculty Master of your hall will host one or two dinners a month with really cool speakers and UPGRADED MEALS. Yay food! Get in touch with your hall’s Student Government and keep up with Student Affairs to stay up to date on all those events!

Number 4: Work Out Downstairs


Sometimes the Lyon Center is a bit crowded. Also running around campus makes you feel like a doofus. Ergo, work out in your hall! Most on-campus residential halls have a treadmill and some workout equipment FOR YOUR USE. You’re all good. You can work out downstairs and then move upstairs to take a shower and do homework (or nap).

Number Five: It’s A Bridge Over Troubled Waters


While I used that title simply for the pun, living in on-campus housing can be a great transition from living with your parents before you live in an apartment by yourself, possibly with a cat. Someone else cleans the bathroom but you still are held responsible when you lose your keys. It’s bridge, man. It’s not perfect, like teleporting across the river, but the bridge gets you there.

I would definitely have everyone try to look on the bright side of living on-campus at USC. You have a lot of benefits and it’s all super safe because the security at USC is so fantastic. You have to love USC and the on-campus house can help you get to that point. 

Fight on!


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