5 Stages of Daylight Savings

Daylight savings (DST) is either the bane of one’s existence or the saving grace. Either way, it happens in 48 states in the United States (minus Hawaii and Arizona) and is a part of the ‘Murican way of life (thought other countries also use DST). Though spring DST always kills me, fall DST brings up a host of different feelings.

Stage 1: “AGAIN?”

Didn’t this JUST happen, like, a week ago?? 


Stage 2: "YAS, MORE SLEEP.”

I am sleep royalty. I am going to take so much advantage of this gift bestowed upon my very deserving self. Sleeping is for the chic. Yes.


Stage 3: "Why is it so dark tho??”

It’s literally 4:30pm and I can’t see anything outside anymore. What is this earth?


Stage 4: “I can wait another hour to do homework. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS HAS GIVEN ME THIS RIGHT.”

This means 1-2 more episodes of Netflix that has absolutely no bearing on my productivity and accountability. Or maybe 5 episodes.


Stage 5: “Nothing has changed. We are all doomed on this earth. We all die alone.”

It is 5am and I am still working on my homework. CURSE YOU DST.


Stop What You Are Doing and Register for USC President Nikias’s Class this Spring


Work On It Wednesday: Networking