5 Tips to Succeed at USC

By Donald Annarella ‘17


Hey Trojans! My name is Donald Annarella, and I’m a Junior majoring Public Policy, Planning, and Development, emphasis in Real Estate Development, and minoring in Business Law.

Outside of class, I’m the Communications Director for the Trojan Knights, the Assistant Director of Card Stunts, and I’m an Inside Track Mentor for USC LEAD. I participate in the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and Redefining Engagement through Active Leadership (REAL) Project, and work for USC Marshall Executive Education. Over my time here at USC I’ve found these five tips to be my keys to success as a student and member of our USC community.


1. Use an organizational medium
College is a stressful time with so much going on. Balancing and juggling a social life, extra-curricular activities, and a full academic load can range from tiring to outright herculean. So, organization is vital to maximizing your time at USC. Whether it’s a wall calendar, a planner, daily notifications on your phone, a daily to-do check list in a notebook, Google calendar, etc.–whatever works best for you–use that system to organize yourself and choose a set time every day to review what you have to accomplish or need to prepare for.

2. Be consistent
No matter if it’s school work, going to work, or just having fun, develop a consistent routine. People are creatures of habit and by creating a routine, it allows us to cope with everything we have going on. Maybe Tuesday nights from 5-6:30 is reading time, or you work out in Lyon Center for an hour every other day. Or perhaps your classes start different times every day, and you choose a consistent wake up time to maximize your day and productivity. Whatever your weekly schedule is, try to develop a consistent schedule where you can thrive and grow.


3. Find a club/student org that you can really be passionate about
College is about so much more than just going to class. Ask anyone who’s graduated, and they’ll tell you that it’s not the midterm they stressed out for that they remember; it’s the people and the experiences they had. So try out a few things and find a group that you can be passionate about. With hundreds of student orgs on campus, there’s bound to be a group that you’ll jell with.  And if there isn’t, then start your own club and see who else at USC shares your passion. Whether it’s club sports team, a professional society, a community service organization, choose one and just get involved.  


4. Take part in USC’s signature events
Some events really bring together the whole student body and help give common ground to the whole Trojan Family. Participating in these events is a fantastic way to become engaged and active in the larger Trojan Family and gives students from every background common ground to bond over. From football games to Springfest, take part in the festivities and really dive in to some of the things that make USC as a whole, unique from other schools.  

5. Call home on a regular basis
While you’re out expanding and hanging out with your Trojan Family, never forget where you came from and who helped you get there. Stay in touch with old high school and childhood friends, but more importantly, talk to your parents or whoever that mentor guiding figure in your life has been. Not only does this keep you grounded and in touch with your home life, but it also keeps those people connected and up to date with your life, something they definitely appreciate.

And there you have it Trojans, that’s my 5 tips on how to make the most of your Trojan experience.


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