8 Things to Do Before You Go Back to School

By Kelly Kinas ‘16

Unfortunately, our winter break is almost coming to an end. With all of our holidays over and the new year beginning, going back to USC is inevitable and a fun challenge awaiting us. But, alas, it is bittersweet. Winter Break is a great way to destress after the fall semester and I have created a list for y’all to make sure your winter break ends with a bang.

Here are 8 things you should do before you head back to school!


1. Binge that Last TV show so You’re Not Distracted During the First Week


Master of None has been on your List on Netflix for months now. You really want to watch it but just have not had time. DO IT NOW. You only have so many hours left of Winter Break. Watch a couple episodes and try to get it off your mind so you’re not distracted the first week of school. Finish up The West Wing or Breaking Bad. Whatever you watch, finish it NOW because after Syllabus week, you’re not gonna have as much time. 

2. Try to Finish All of Your Winter Break Resolutions


You wanted to read 5 books over break, organize your planner, find some new good music, and learn how to cook something other than macaroni and cheese. YOU STILL HAVE TIME. Maybe you can’t do all of them, but take some time tomorrow to get your planner in order and read the first few chapters of that book. Those winter break resolutions always start off big and get smaller but it doesn’t mean you have to give up on them. You got this.

3. Hang Out with Your Family/Parental Guardians Again


Ahhhh, our parents. People you were so excited to get away from after high school. Parents are the best (obviously) and one last time before you go back to school, you should have a special night out with them. That night could be going to your favorite hometown restaurant or staying in and cooking together. By this time, I know a lot of you are getting slightly sick of being at home for long. But trust me, you will miss your parents once you’re back at school. So end your break with a nice hangout time with the ‘rents.

4. Apply for Internships NOW


If you’re looking for an internship for the Spring semester, hopefully you already have an idea of what you want but you should start looking NOW. Some of you may have already gotten one before break; GREAT JOB! If you didn’t, it’s not the end of the world. In these last couple days, start browsing and updating your resume. Once classes start up, you’re going to have a lot less free time.

5. Look Over Some Old Notes and Get Ready for Classes!


Yes, you don’t have the same classes from last semester but all of our brains go kinda crazy over winter break. If you’re a Computer Science major, maybe go through some old codes and wake your mind back up. If you’re a Business major, go over some old case studies. That way, when you get started back at USC, it won’t be as difficult of a transition.

6. Read Some News Stories and Bring Your Mind Back Together


Whether you’re in Winter Break mode or not, it is imperative to keep up to date on what’s happening in the world. It’s great for small talk and kinda just important to know overall. Pull up the New York Times or the Washington Post and stay up to date with your surroundings and the world. Keeping your mind sharp in politics is just as important as staying up to date on classes.

7. Hang Out with Your Friends from High School One Last Time


High school friends are fun to hang out with over winter break and really any other time of the year as well. Whichever of your friends have not gone back to their own universities, call them up for a Harry Potter marathon or a good Disney movie. While you don’t see them every day anymore, they still suffered through high school with you. Pizza and snacks is always a good idea.

8. Try Your Hardest to Get Back in Shape (or at Least Workout Once)


I know. I try to workout but then I start watching Chopped and my intent just falls by the wayside. My goal is run and do a fun workout class before school starts up again. 

USC Spring Semester is coming up fast and I hope the end of your break is kickin’.

Fight on!


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