A letter to my fellow graduating seniors.

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

It’s senior year y’all! And whether you transferred to this beautiful school at some time during your colligate journey or have been here since year one… the lessons we’ve learned and our growth deserve to not only be celebrated but to be reflected upon. 

A gif of letters and roses floating.

In late 2019, I wrote a letter to myself, sealed it, and will open it the night before May 15th, the day many of us leave undergrad in the past and start a new chapter in our lives. The letter pushed me to think about how far I’ve come, and the work that is required of me over the next couple of months to successfully end my time at USC. Although the grind throughout the past four years has yielded a more mature and thoughtful young woman, these next 4 months can be life-changing. 

I started out grateful. I’ve gained amazing friends, become a better writer, explored career paths, and academic interests I’d never thought would interest me. And in those moments of gratitude, I realized the strength and privilege that comes from being a student of our illustrious institution. College is hard, college is expensive, and it has broken many people. And with that in mind, I challenge all my seniors to reach out to someone who helped you complete this journey. Whether they offered financial, emotional, physical, or spiritual support, this journey was not a solo one, and whoever it was deserves some praise. Personally, when I practice gratitude, especially in the context of my college experience, I can see the bigger picture and remember the positives in my life. The months after May 15th may not produce immediate full-time employment, graduate school acceptances, or whatever you’re looking to do next. But practicing gratitude now reminds us who is there to help us through the challenging times. We are never alone. 

Next, in my letter, I wrote down what I wanted and why. Spoiler alert: I want to write professionally. And currently, there are grad school, fellowship, and internship applications stacked against me, all in the hopes of moving one step closer to being a better writer. Through my pen, I released all my expectations and desires for the next steps after graduation. Whether as frivolous as a graduation trip with friends or as severe as wanting to save up to buy a car, this was an exercise in manifesting. Speaking, writing, singing, or drawing what you want into existence makes it real and attainable. 

We all grow up to reach a point in our lives where the next goal we’re faced with seems too big of a leap, even with a college degree in our back pocket. When I wrote down what I wanted for my life and career, I was also forced to think about “why” and “how” I’d get there. Manifesting is more than magic but an exercise in planning and breaking down those big mountains into little hills. Take time to manifest what you want in your life, plan how this semester can get you there, and set your intentions. 

I couldn’t end the letter without a humblebrag, better yet a reminder of who I am. I have a sister who graduated almost two years ago, and her post-college life has been filled with unbelievable highs but naturally some unfortunately lows. I know hardship is inevitable… what’s sunshine without rain and a cloudy day? But when I reminded myself of my talent, resilience, thoughtfulness, hard work, and beauty, I was able to see the tools in my toolbox that’ll help me get through the rough patches. 

In closing, I’m urging every senior to write a letter to themselves, reflect on your journey, give yourself a pat on that back, and set your intentions for the semester. Cast your doubts and hopes upon the stars and do everything you can to make your dreams come true. If you made it this far…you can make it anywhere.

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