A Little Shakespeare for Every Mood

By: Camila Grases ‘21

Shakespeare is simultaneously overrated and underrated. Overrated because he’s Shakespeare. Underrated because there are people who believe the man is boring or underwhelming in his abilities as a writer. But on the contrary, Shakespeare has a little bit for everyone.

This past semester, I read a Shakespeare play a week for my Shakespeare class. I thought I would be bored or annoyed, but the opposite happened. I was able to reinvigorate my passion for English and literature. I just wanted to share a little bit of what I enjoyed most last semester, because there’s something for everyone.

For When You’re Feeling Anxious - A Midsummer Night’s Dream

This light play about misunderstandings and fairies is a lot of fun to read. The best part of this play, at least for me, is Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck. The iconic character is everywhere, creating mischief and having fun with the other characters of the play. A time of stress is the perfect time to spend with my favorite Shakespeare character as he clowns around transforming people’s heads into donkey heads.

For When You’re Feeling Heartbroken - Othello

Romeo and Juliet would be the safe bet for this category too, but Othello has an objectively more interesting tragedy surrounding its lovers. With a manipulative character and one of Shakespeare’s most interesting villains, you won’t know whether you are rooting for the cunning Iago or the newly married Othello and Desdemona. 

For When You’re Feeling Flirty - As You Like It

As You Like It is a fun mix of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Othello. It’s a comedy where lovers come together in the forest and use deception to prove each other’s loyalty. The central premise of this play seems to be that everyone acts a little wild in nature. If you’re looking for something a little bizarre with a happy ending, look no further.

For When You’re Feeling like an Action Hero - Coriolanus

Despite it being a tragedy, it is almost comedic, at least to me, how unstoppable our central character Coriolanus is in this play. He is the definition of a one-man army, something that is incredibly difficult to depict in a play, a medium that relies mostly on dialogue. This was the play that surprised me for the better the most when I read it, especially because I think we all know an idiot-savant like Coriolanus.

For When You’re Feeling Sad - Twelfth Night

This was the first Shakespeare play I ever read for the fun of it. I had such a blast reading it, there are plenty of moments in this play that are genuinely funny and just the right amount of absurd. Part of the cost of the comedy of Shakespeare, as I learned in my class, is that there are always characters that must lose in order for the happiness of others to be guaranteed. So if you’re looking for something a little bit dramatic, a little bit messy, and overall a great time, you should read Twelfth Night. (It’s also the play that inspired the movie She’s the Man with Amanda Bynes!)

When You’re Feeling Like You Need Some Cleverness - The Merchant of Venice

I had zero expectations for this particular play when I first read it but I was pleasantly surprised. It is especially fun to read this play from a feminist perspective as well as simply enjoying the little twists and turns the play throws at you. The role reversals are by far some of the best parts of the play. It is definitely the kind of story you can enjoy for the little things, the little details.

And last but not least, I would encourage everyone to read things they are intimidated by. Form your own opinions about them and don’t be afraid to dislike some of the classics. Most importantly, thought, don’t be afraid to like them!!!

I want to dedicate this post to my Professor Bruce Smith who taught me to love Shakespeare.

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