Bigs and Littles: Meet Zach and Sydney from Delta Kappa Alpha

By Joy Ofodu ‘18


Little: Sydney Coleman
Sydney’s Big: Zach Blumner
Fraternity: Delta Kappa Alpha - Delta Kappa Alpha is a coeducational professional cinema fraternity. Purpose: To foster lifelong character, collaborative and creative storytelling, ethical and productive business practices, philanthropic action, and fraternal bonds by and between students of the cinematic arts.


Why do you like being a part of your organization?

Zach: I love being surrounded by like-minded individuals. I’m constantly presented with brilliant art produced by members of my fraternity, which inspires me to create my own. It’s a wonderful community of artist’s!

Sydney: I’ve learned so much during my time in DKA and met people that I know will be in my life forever. I joined because I had a budding interest in the cinematic arts, but my experience in this organization has helped me refine by interests and figure out exactly where I want to be in entertainment. That clarity has been so helpful to have so early on. And like I mentioned earlier, I wouldn’t trade my friends from DKA for the world. 

How did you meet your Big/Little?

Sydney: I first met Zach on the very first day of DKA recruitment! He was in charge of running the events and he was there to sign me in. He had a huge smile on his face and was so warm and welcoming. I was so nervous to be there, but he instantly put me at ease. 

What is your Big/Little’s best quality?

Zach: Syd’s best quality is her compassion for everyone. She always gives the benefit of the doubt and never judges anyone. I’d honestly say that she’s taught me more than I could ever teach her.

Sydney: Zach has this ability to make anybody feel listened to and loved. He can just sense what people need to hear and feel, so he’s the best person to talk to about anything. He’s a good person to his core and I don’t know anybody as kind as he is. 

What’s your fondest moment together?

Zach: My fondest memory with Sydney is when she came over to my house in NY and met my family. It was at that moment, where we really connected- my family obviously love her.   

Sydney: My favorite moment with Zach so far was probably spending time with him and his family last spring break! I was in New York visiting a best friend from high school and spent a night with Zach’s family. I took a train out to see him and he picked me up, took me out to a movie and dinner. Then after that, we sat at his kitchen table for HOURS with his mom and twin sister. It was so great to meet his family and hear all kinds of stories! They really made me feel at home and I felt a lot closer to Zach after that. Another really important moment I had with Zach was Big/Little reveal when he presented me with a welcome gift. He’d drawn a portrait of me that was made up of the lyrics to my favorite songs and words that made him think of me. It’s one of the sweetest, most thoughtful things anybody has ever given to me. 

How have they/the organization helped you navigate USC?

Zach: She’s my number one supporter and I know I could turn to her at any moment for anything. She’s come to every show I’ve designed and is just a gem of a human.

Sydney: Zach became my big my second semester at USC and he’s been so important to me in the years since. He has always encouraged me to try new things and keep my personal values and interests at the center of all I do, which has helped me be brave here at USC and spend my time on what really matters to me.

What’s one fact most people don’t know about your Big/Little?

Sydney: Everybody knows he’s an incredible visual artist, but I’m not sure how many people know that Zach has the voice of an angel! He sang a beautiful song at his sister’s wedding that brought everybody to tears, but he’d never tell you!

Zach: She LOVES avocados.


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