About Jason

By Jason Cheng ‘17

“I’m Pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.“

In the legendary 2001 cinematic masterpiece, Zoolander, Ben Stiller’s male model persona sums up my existential purpose. Ona side note, my mom is the only one who thinks I’m ridiculously good looking.But that’s beside the point. Whether you’re obsessed with your body, GPA, alcohol tolerance or dreams of riches and fame, sometimes things don’t seem to satisfy you. You want something more, something satisfying and fulfilling.


Let’s rewind for a moment and allow me to introduce… myself. I’m Jason, a sophomore studying Print Journalism and Business Finance and I’m thrilled to finally have a position that encourages people to listen to my opinions about basically everything. You can criticize the Myers-Briggs test all you want, but the personality type INFJ perfectly defines me, and my supposed rarity.


I came to USC from Hong Kong, my home and the greatest city on the planet. USC was one of my top choices, due to its renowned journalism school, gorgeous weather and top-notch quality of future wife candidates. My time at USC has been an absolute joy and I can truthfully say that every experience I’ve had has brought me closer to realizing what gives my life meaning.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts about campus events and informing all of you about everything that USC has to offer. Our time in university is something to be cherished and enjoyed and I hope that you will find something that is meaningful and fulfilling through the Trojans 360 blog and USC_Students Weibo.


Be the change you want to see in the world - Leslie Chow

Peace out gotta fly. P.S. Follow me on Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/jasoncheng24 #likeforlike 


Take a Hike


Go Away (Study Abroad)