Countdown to Move-In Day

By Mollie Berg ‘16

This weekend, my sister and I went to Street Food Cinema’s movie in the park! Saturday’s movie was “Wolf of Wallstreet,” and we got to watch it on a huge screen in Exposition Park, right by the USC Coliseum. Along the side, there were probably about 15 food trucks with various types of cuisine—sushi, Mexican food, popcorn, ice cream sandwiches, seafood and other types of food you wouldn’t think were meant to belong in a truck! At the event, I met my friend from Daily Trojan (the sports editor) and my friend from past classes.


We all sat together, ate delicious and overly expensive small portions of food-truck food, and watched the Oscar-nominated (and very vulgar film) while sitting directly in front of the coliseum. It was such a nice event, and was so relaxing being outdoors, just hanging out with some friends (plus, it was so close to school!). I already cannot wait for more movies in the park with my school friends this fall!


Earlier this week, I road my bike around campus for one of the first times this summer. What is interesting about the summer is that most college kids are eager to go back as soon as the summer begins. Personally, I am always eager to go back to school, but I also really enjoy summer—time off, working less, beach time, and even some time for some movies in the park (also, no finals is a pretty sweet gig).

But for the first time, when I was riding my yellow beach cruiser around the USC Park Campus, I found myself extremely excited to be back and at it. I am so excited for late nights in the Daily Trojan newsroom—stressed and sleep-deprived, laughing the craziness off. I am so excited to take classes in the beautiful new Annenberg building. I am so excited to see all my sorority sisters and move into my new room at our house on Greek row! And I am so excited for those USC game day extravaganzas.

One of the great things about USC is that it is always changing, and there are always new and exciting things to look forward to. The new Annenberg is extraordinary and so innovative. I was lucky enough to be able to go on a tour of the Annenberg building in the spring, and I can honestly say that I do not think this will be only a place to take classes, but rather, the new Annenberg building will be a new home and center for communication and journalism students to hang out, share ideas, and create a community.

So, I guess you could say I am excited to go back to school! But actually…I am counting down the days! 17 days until move in…


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