Hello, SCenior Year

By Vanessa Wilkins ‘15

I am currently moving into the house that I’ll be living in for my senior year…

Wait, what?! It always takes me aback every time I remember that this year I will be a senior. And the only question I find myself asking is where did the time go?! The past three years have gone by unbelievably fast, and I cannot believe that I am about to start my last year of undergrad.

I am living in a big blue house with six other girls. Moving into this amazing house with some of my best friends is the perfect way to start off my senior year! I can’t wait for board game nights, girl talks on our beautiful patio, and Lifetime movie marathons in our footsie pajamas (all of which have be pre-planned and marked on our calendars).

As I move my stuff into my new humble abode, I keep finding myself reminiscing on all my past “move-in” days.

It feels like yesterday that my mom was helping me unpack all of my clothes and setting up my room in my freshman dorm (shout out to New/North!). I remember feeling a mixture of nerves, excitement, confusion, and anticipation, all at the same time.

The funny thing is, moving into my senior year house now, I am feeling the exact same emotions that I did three years ago! Although I am a bit confused about how the time went by so fast, I am also incredibly excited to start my senior year!

The past three years of college have been amazing. USC has given me an unforgettable college experience.

I’ve studied abroad, joined a sorority, given back to the South Los Angeles community, and most of all, I’ve received an incredible education. Of all the emotions I am having while moving into my new house, the number one feeling in my heart is gratefulness. I am so grateful for the past three years at USC, and I am beyond grateful that I get to spend one last year in this paradise that I get to call my school!

So here’s to senior year! Let’s make it count!


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