How I’m Celebrating (Half of) Latine Heritage Month

By Adrian Mendoza

Latine Heritage Month is a great time for Latines to celebrate their culture, build connections with those of similar backgrounds, and learn about their family history. USC offers many resources to aid Latine USC students in this pursuit of celebration and solidarity–including a Latine student lounge in the Student Union, numerous clubs that highlight the intersection of Latinidad with various interests and fields of study, and a range of events being held between September 15 and October 15. For me, I will be spending this month specifically celebrating the half Puerto Rican side of my heritage. To do so, I will be taking the following steps to celebrate half of Latine heritage month.

Wake Up Early

Previous years I have chosen my obligatory half of the month by celebrating in the first half of the month, the last half of the month, and the last half of each day. This year I get to celebrate Latine Heritage Month in the first half of the day! So to make the most of my part of the month, I will be waking up early to have more waking hours in which my Latinidad is celebrated!

Send my Latine Friends $0.50

In case you’re unaware, it is obligatory to send all your Latine friends a dollar for Latine Heritage Month if you yourself are not Latine (Just as you may do for Black History Month or Pride month) (It’s a thing, I swear). So as I am half gringo, I will be sending my Latine friends and partner $0.50 as an act of solidarity.

Visit LA CASA for Half an Hour

A great way to connect with the Latine community at USC is by simply visiting LA CASA in the Student Union! LA CASA is located on the fourth floor of the Student Union in room 400. You can spend your free day there studying, or you can stop by in between classes. Either way you will be welcomed in the space. I, however, will only be granted half an hour to connect with my Latine peers.

Listen to Half of USC’s Latinx/e Heritage Month Spotify Playlist

USC has curated a short and sweet playlist for Latine Heritage Month put together by USC student from LA CASA and other Latine organizations on campus. I will be listening to half of this playlist just as I will be listening to half of Bad Bunny’s album Un Verano Sin Ti.

Show Up late to USC’s Latine Heritage Month Events

Since most of USC’s events scheduled for Latine Heritage Month are in the evening, I will be making up for the fact that they are not in the first half of the day in which I am celebrating by only attending the latter half of the event. So you will see me pulling up to see Ghostly Labor by Vanessa Sanchez and La Mezcla halfway through the performance. There are also many other events for me to choose to attend half of listed on the USC Event Calendar! (Disclaimer: If you attend these events please show up on time.)

Do Half of my Homework for my Latino Literature Class

This semester, I decided to take a fun class to help me connect with my history and culture through Latino literature. I of course, however, will only be completing half of these assignments and attending half of each lecture.

Read Half of When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago

This month I will finally get around to reading half of this memoir that has been on my to be read list for forever! The answer to “when I was Puerto Rican” is of course the first half of the day!


USC Voter Registration


“We All Deserve to Get There” Pedestrian Safety Campaign