How to Get Through the Last 3 Weeks of the Semester

By Kelly Kinas ‘16

Has everyone been counting down the days until the end of the semester and now that it is so close, you want it to go by so much slower? Just me? Didn’t think so. It’s not even 3 FULL weeks left; Thanksgiving break is in there and we get those three days off too. We are so close. I still have a ton of assignments left to turn in (not late or anything. They’re just scheduled for later in the semester) and I know I am not the only one in this situation.

So we need to get these next couple weeks. The only events that are left are Conquest and the actual UCLA football game. We can make it through together and with these helpful tips :)


1. Acceptance


You need to understand you are going to work hard. Not, that you haven’t been working hard this semester. But it is known that most people work harder at the end of the semester and at finals to try and raise their grade. Acceptance is the first step. You’re going to be using those flashcards soon.  

2. Plan Ahead


Plan these next weeks based around your assignments due. There are only 3 Mondays until study days and finals. That really isn’t a lot of time, especially with Thanksgiving Break in there. Start planning ahead now. When you’re going to study, when you’re go off campus and take breaks in Downtown Los Angeles. You will be fine. Trust me, because you’ll plan it now, it not be as stressful when it actually comes around.

3. When studying, take breaks


Studying is hard work! Give your mind a break and walk around to the nearest Starbucks (unfortunately no more Fresh n Easy). Get your body its much needed nutrients and it will help your studying in the long run. Sleep at a normal hour because your health is just as important as your grades. If you plan well enough ahead, sleep should be scheduled in as well.

4. Don’t expect everything to be easy


Keep it like the St. Louis Ram’s record, keep it equal. Don’t expect too much from your mind or from your body. Not everything will come easily to you and that is totally and completely fine. You might need to work a little bit harder to comprehend a certain Physics theorem. There is nothing wrong in that. If your body gets tired, let it rest. You’re amazing and awesome and your body and mind deserve to at it’s prime.



You’re not plummeting off a waterfall like Kuzco here. You got this. You need to have confidence that you can succeed and that you have all the tools to succeed. You can study, you can study so hard. That paper? While difficult, it’s totally in your realm. You can completely do anything you want to do. Set your mind to it and be confident in your abilities.

Fight on!


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