Meet Alexis!

By Alexis Peters ‘20

Hey peeps! I’m Alexis (or Lexi or Lex or whatever floats your boat, really) and I’m very excited to be able to share my escapades as a USC student with you all!

(This is a pic of me from my Senior Prom! As a girl who hates Instagram, I have a very limited collection of pictures of myself, but that’s the Buckingham Fountain in the background!)

When I tell someone my major, usually the first question I get is: “So, like, what is that?” I guess I understand since Narrative Studies isn’t something you hear everyday, nor is it one single discipline. Being a Narrative Studies major means that I love telling stories.

All kinds of stories through all kinds of mediums whether that be books, movies, poetry, media, or anything else. I’ve loved books since the moment I could hold my head upright, and I’ve been creating stories since the moment I could form sentences.

The second question I get about my major is: “So, like, what are you going to do with that?” And the truth is: I don’t know. Right now, we’re working towards ‘award winning international bestselling author, actress, philanthropist, and superstar’, but we’ll just have to see what happens after I graduate.  What I do know, and what I would give as my greatest piece of advice to anyone is that you don’t have to know. Just do what you love, and everything will fall into place.

So, right now, I’m happy to be here at USC, writing and blogging up a storm, as well as joining some great student organizations like SCience Outreach and the boxing team. It’s true! This English major joined a club that teaches science to second graders. Science and I have always had a love affair (once upon a time, I was a neuroscience major), and even after choosing Narrative Studies, I couldn’t let it go. Being part of Science Outreach, I get to interact with the cutest little kiddies, and show them the magic of science!

I also dabble in singing and musical theater. Here’s me being sassy in costume as Marty in Grease The Musical:

I love performing. I’ll probably never stop acting. Even when I’m watching sad movies, I practice crying on command, because that’s a skill you just never know when you’re going to need. Besides that, I love movies, the beach, swimming, dancing, and curling up in bed with a good book.

As a spring admit and a transfer student, it was admittedly a little difficult to find my footing at SC, but if anyone else is in the same boat, I can tell you that it’s worth it, and if you’d like, we can commiserate together. I’m here as a guide, an advisor, a writer who knows the college life struggle and is willing to share the ups, the downs, and the plateaus, so that we can all get through this together! I’m looking forward to it!

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