Post-Spring Break Inspiration

By Grace Carballo ‘17


Break probably came and went too quickly and now you find yourself back at school to face the responsibilities you may have neglected or even forgotten entirely. The workload might be intimidating to tackle, but if not now, then when? Finals end and summer begins in a mere 52 days which is ample time to be productive and fun.

A well-worded quote is always enough to inspire me to greatness and I hope to have a few of my own someday. (If you have noticed me repeating certain phrases situationally or offering you my “latest mantra”, odds are good I’m hoping you will repeat these words and cite me as the source in the near future.

Until then, though, I’ve gathered wisdom from some of the best and brightest to welcome you back to campus and motivate you in your studies. If you are active on Pinterest or google “inspirational quotes” frequently, these will be nothing new to you, but if not, you are really going to get a lot from this.


Im not JKing when I say J.K. may be the most formative person in my life and she has literally started from the bottom, now she’s here.


While it is hard to know what a flower is or is not thinking, they do serve as good role models for doing their own thing. Everyone and their brother might have a stellar GPA and internship lined up for the summer, but all you can do is be better than you were yesterday and throw them a courtesy like on their status about their latest and greatest achievement because you’re just that gracious.


Being an Undecided major or not knowing your exact career or postgrad goal does not mean that you are stagnant and purposeless. Odds are good you have more than one skill or aspiration and every step you take towards any one of those dreams is a step forward. Or maybe a step to the side, which is still good at offering a new perspective. “Just keep swimming”- Dory.


Music to the ears of all those whose hidden talents have remained hidden! You can totally control your choices and how you work with what you’ve got, even if you are just a muggle.


I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t shed a tear or two when I found out the internship fairy doesn’t exist. I’m sorry if this is the first you’ve heard of this.


I like to think good old Tommy was also promoting the versatility and trendiness that overalls embody. But most would interpret this to mean what Britney Spears so eloquently sang, “You betta work, b*tch.” I’ve tried to avoid it and there’s really no getting around it, trust me.



Yoda and Aristotle are sick of your excuses.

So, welcome back and I’ll see you in Doheny or if things get particularly bleak, Leavey at some ungodly hour. I believe in you.



Internship Starter Pack (bonus pep talk!)


An Expert’s Guide To Napping