Professors’ Pet Peeves

By Maddie Walsh ‘20 

Everyone has pet peeves, whether it’s the sound of cracking knuckles or slow walkers taking up the whole hallway, and professors are no exception. I spoke with a number of USC professors to learn about the little things that students do that stand out as particularly annoying. You can get on your prof’s good side by avoiding these 5 things!


1. Eating In Class

When your mouth is full, you can’t speak, and when you can’t speak you can’t participate in class. Not to mention that eating food can be loud, smelly, and distracting for other students! Eating in class might be unavoidable if you have a number of back to back lectures, but try and keep it to snacks during passing periods – you’re professor will appreciate it!


2. Showing Up Unprepared

Believe it or not, professors don’t assign homework and give instructions just to make your life miserable. Assignments are meant to ensure that you get the most out of class time, and if you show up without having done the preparation, you’re ultimately wasting your own time.


3. Showing Up Late

Showing up late to class is like showing up late to anything in life – rude and distracting. Do your best to make it on time, because you don’t want to be *that* person who walks in late with a Starbucks cup to every lecture– your teachers will notice.


4. Not Investing

Professors teach on topics that they care about, so it means a lot to see students who are committed and enthusiastic about the subject. Conversely, it sucks to see students try and get through the class by doing the bare minimum. Your teachers can always tell when you’re not giving your best, so even if you don’t feel passionate about the subject, find ways to engage with the class and let your professor know you care.


5. Lame Excuses

Professors have heard every lame excuse in existence. It’s always better to be honest, or– better yet– avoid the situation entirely!

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