SC Spotlight: USC Taiwanese American Organization

by Ayman Siraj ‘18

USC Taiwanese American is an organization on campus geared towards promoting the awareness and exploration of Taiwanese culture on the USC Campus. Trojans 360 sat down with the executive board members of USC TAO, Ivy Yang (VP External) and Marissa Di (VP Internal) to learn more about the organization and its activities.


USC TAO KBBQ Family Competition

When was the USC Taiwanese American Organization founded and what was the reason?

We were founded in 1995. It is not a national organization but many other universities have have some sort of organization dedicated to Taiwanese heritage and culture. We currently have about a hundred registered members of whom most are undergraduates with a few graduate students.

The reason TAO was founded was to  Provide a home away from home. Many of us Taiwanese share the same culture lot of us share culture but there was a need for social space where anyone of Taiwanese heritage could be a part of a community.

Does the club have weekly meetings, and what’s the best way to join your club or stay updated?

We have bi-weekly general meetings and usually one event per week. The Taiwanese American population has been seeing growth in the past few years and as a result our club has benefitted from members willing to be more active and come out to more events


USC TAO at the Involvement Fair

What’s the favorite event you’ve had so far?

Ivy Ai Weng (Major: Chemical Engineering | Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada): 

“This past week we had a Taiwanese BBQ. We got Taiwanese sausages and had a really great time. If you have not tried Taiwanese sausages you should! They are a different texture.

Why did you join TAO?

Marissa Di (Major: Biochemistry | Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania): 

“I went to one of their events my freshman year, which was a karaoke night. I wanted to get to know Taiwanese people at USC in order to develop my own identity as an Asian American. Finding new clubs where you bond with everyone your freshman year is hard, but I really bonded with the people in TAO. It is my third year with the club! We don’t just take Taiwanese Americans, we have grown a lot and built a community and people thus come to participate. TAO people are my closest friends.”


2016/17 TAO Executive Board

If you had to describe TAO in three words, what would they be?

Family, Food & Fun!

To add to those three words, we encourage all Taiwanese American students to join our organization. Get together and become friends with people who share your experiences. For anyone who is not Taiwanese American, come to our events and experience our food.

What is TAO’s major event each year?

The Lantern Festival celebration is probably our biggest and popular event. The past two years, we let our members come decorate lanterns. Hang them around Trousdale. We have a variety of events – cultural, athletic events and study nights as well.


Lantern Festival Celebration

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