Spring Break Diaries

By: Samantha Romero ‘16


There is something undeniably bittersweet about the conclusion of spring break.

Nonetheless, the memories and experiences that resulted will last forever. From backpacking in Hawai’i to road trips along the west coast  here is a look into how different USC students spent their spring break.

Stephen Chen 

Major: Cognitive Science ‘16

Trip:  A non-stop road trip from LA to Portland

Instagram: @scdevy

“It’s a 15 hour drive from Los Angeles to Portland with no stops and no detours. Making the trip up and back in a little over 4 days seemed ambitious, but my friends and I have never been ones to shy away from a challenge. The trip presented us with some additional obstacles – missing firewood, malfunctioning maps applications, inhospitable temperatures. The first obstacle of the trip we quickly discovered within 10 minutes of departure – our aging SUV had a sunroof that wouldn’t close. Not a problem… until it began to rain. Some struggling and discomfort later, and we found an elegant solution in some strategic placement of duct tape.”


“The obstacles were worth it. Portland is a beautiful place (and weird in the best possible way, as anyone from Portland will tell anyone who will listen), with great food and some very eclectic thrift shops. We also spent time at Multnomah Falls and the surrounding area, which was breathtakingly gorgeous. Not your typical spring break, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything (except maybe a working sunroof).”


Ariel Celeste Blandford

Major: Film and Television Production in the School of Cinematic Arts ‘15

Trip: Backpacking in Hawai’i

Instagram: @ablandz

“This Spring Break SC Outfitters headed to Kauai’i, Hawai’i with 10 students to backpack on one of the world’s most dangerous trails.  SC Outfitters is a USC club that is dedicated to getting students outdoors.  McKenzie Carlile and I co-guided this trip, which included six days of backpacking along the 11 mile Kalalau Trail, which cuts through the impassable Na Pali Coast.”


“The trail arrives at a secluded beach nestled between the cliffs.  This beach can only by reached by foot or boat.  After hiking the 11 miles in, we spent the afternoon relaxing on the beach and enjoying the valley’s waterfalls, caves, sandy shore and other backpackers staying in the valley.”


“By the evening it began to rain and didn’t stop for the next two days.  On our way out we had to hike the 11 miles through swollen rivers, flash flood zones, rock slide zones and slippery cliffs.  The trail put all of us to the test, but we pushed through and hiked out with an unforgettable spring break story to tell.”


Barbara Estrada

Major: Broadcast Journalism ‘17

Trip: A blogging and journalist conference in Miami 

Instagram: @hollaitsbarbara

“For Spring Break, I was able to go back home - Miami, Fl. I was invited to attend a conference called Hispanicize that involved topics in public relations, marketing, journalism, and so forth.”


“Through various events, it allowed the opportunity to network and listen to what is currently occuring in the markets covered at the conference. Besides going to Miami for business, I enjoyed my hometown with friends through some of my favorite dishes and locations such as Hollywood beach.”


Alex Amato 

Major: Business Administration ‘16

Trip: Skiing, Biking and Surfing throughout California

Instagram: @yungalexg 

“For spring break myself, alex amato, Noel Berry, and Sam Swamy had a classic California trip. We drove up to mammoth mountain for 3 days of skiing in 60 degree weather. Next we cruised through the sierras to santa cruz, ca where we mountain biked and surfed.”

“We jetted up to San Francisco to surf fort point on our way up to Lake Tahoe. In Tahoe we had two classic spring skiing days at Boreal and Squaw Valley. We scored 5 snow sessions, 3 surf sessions, 1 mountain bike session, and a skate session into our spring break and we’re stoked about it.”

Kelly Kinas

Major: Communications ‘17

Trip: Indian Wells, CA and Arizona

Instagram: @kelsterkinas

“My spring break was a combination of the two sports that I love the most. I left Thursday night to go to the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament in Indian Wells, California. I got to hangout with my family and watch amazing tennis players like Rodger Federer, John Isner, and USC’s own Steve Johnson.”


“I then flew down to Arizona to see 3 spring training games of the Chicago Cubs. I’m not from Chicago but my entire extended family is so I met up with my grandparents and their brothers and sisters. I ate a lot of ballpark food but the Cubs won two of the three games I went to. Therefore I am extremely happy.”


Christophe Ly

Major: International Relations ‘16

Instagram: @chrisssly

Trip: Backpacking through U.S. National Parks

“During this Spring break, I went on a road trip with two friends of mine. We wanted to spend 6 days exploring the national parks in Southern Utah. Our route took us to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Arches National Park, Canyonland, Capitol Reef, Four Corners National Monument, Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon.” 


“All the landscapes were incredible and managed to surprise us The highlight of this trip was definitely the night we spent deep in the Gooseberry Canyon in Canyonland National Park. We bought a backcountry permit and hiked six kilometers down the canyon. I really felt exclusive since there was absolutely no one around us. It was a great way to take a break from college.”


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