Spring Break Woes

By: Mark Love ‘16

With the first week of school since spring break coming to a close, I couldn’t help but ponder upon the adventures my friends and classmates have embarked on last week. One of my friends backpacked through Scandinavia while a classmate flew to Taiwan to celebrate the week off from school. While listening to their stories, I could only shrug my shoulders and smile hoping that no one asks about my spring break itinerary. Unfortunately, I had to show up to my internship during the week, so my journey towards everlasting merriment definitely hit a roadblock. But instead of mourning my stationary predicament, I decided to take advantage of the wonders that lie within the City of Angels.

To start off, my friends and I took the metro to Redondo Beach, which is one of the nice beaches in the L.A area in my opinion. The beach and water looked clean, while the legion of restaurants and bars nearby will keep a smile on anyone’s face.

Two days later, my friends and I woke up early to catch the metro and bus en route to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I’m not going to lie, when my friend first brought up the idea, I cringed at the thought. I mean, how would it look for three 20-something-year-olds to go to an amusement park without accompanying a younger sibling or something. A few roller coaster rides in and a funnel cake later, I immediately kicked my preconceived notions out of the window. All I can say is there’s nothing like allowing your inner adolescence loose every once in awhile.

To top it all off, we decided to venture to a different part of Los Angeles everyday to dine in at a popular restaurant. We gorged down delicious rabbit and snake sausage links at Wurstkuche located at the Arts District on, which is owned by a USC alum by the way. We also wandered around enemy territories (UCLA), to Napa Valley Grille where we dined on Scottish salmon and ribs while overlooking the aesthetically pleasing Westwood sky line.

Overall, for those who cannot fly to Cabo, Panama, or Taipei, just know that L.A can fill that void with destinations that are mere miles away.

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