Studying Abroad in Paris: 6 Things I’ll Never Forget

By Samantha Romero ‘16

1.Bon Appetit


My daily French diet consisted of at least one if not all of the following: baguettes, croissants, and crepes. Everyday as I would walk to class I made it a ritual to stop by our corner bakery for a croissant au chocolat. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was savoring the freshly baked layers of buttery goodness. Croissants will never taste the same! 

Another favorite dish of mine is the French onion soup from Le Consulat. Located in Montmartre, this place is an absolute gem. You can enjoy a cafe au lait while catching a street performance.



From Centre Pompidou to the famous Louvres, there is a never ending list of museums to visit.

3.American University of Paris


The American University of Paris is not your typical campus. The university’s classrooms are spread throughout the city. I simply couldn’t get enough of the beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower on my way to school each day.

Fun Fact: American socialite, Olivia Palermo, attended AUP.

 4.Making New Friends

I met so many new faces from USC at AUP. My roommates were the absolute best. We would make plans to go out throughout the week, whether it was checking out a cool brunch spot or wine Wednesday’s along the Seine River.

5.Speaking French


After studying French from middle school through my first year of college, I was absolutely ecstatic to be able to finally practice the language.

6.The Metro 

France has the absolute best metro system. I can get to any area of Paris within 15 minutes. There are no limits to exploring the city of love. By purchasing my metro pass I had unlimited rides for the entire month.


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