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Best 2 Unit Classes for Fall 2024

This might be a controversial opinion, but course registration is my favorite time of year. There are so many possibilities for your schedule and it’s fun to complete the puzzle of all your classes to craft ‘the perfect schedule.’ 2-unit classes are a great way to add in an elective or raise your GPA. If you have space in your schedule and are looking for a 2-unit class to fill it, these are the 2-unit courses I recommend for Fall 2024.

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Spice up your life! 2-Unit Courses for Fall 2016

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

If you still have space for 2 more units in your schedule, look no further. The department chairs of a number of programs make a list every semester of “Courses of Interest” for students who aren’t majoring in the field but might find them enjoyable and beneficial for one reason or another. I myself have already taken 3 off this list, all in the film school, and promptly realized I wanted to minor in Screenwriting as a result. So maybe this will help shape your major/minor decision making process or future career goals or maybe you’ll just have a really interesting 2 unit course this semester and that’s perfectly valid, too! Whatever the case may be, I’ve taken the liberty of choosing the FIVE COOLEST 2-UNIT COURSES this fall and have listed the rest below, as well, if you don’t trust me or your tastes differ.

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