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2-Unit Classes for Linguaphiles

By: Talia Walters ‘20

As class registration periods are quickly approaching, we’re all in the middle of the frantic search for classes that meet our GE requirements, finish our majors, and aren’t at 8am. Each semester we settle on four classes that meet our expectations and get us a little closer to graduation. However, we’re always left with those pesky two extra units. We’ve already paid for them, so not using them is a waste, but they’re not enough to take another full class. And when you start looking at all the options, you have almost 20 pages of classes in hundreds of different departments each with their own focuses, pre-requisites, and grading systems. But I have some good news for you! I love digging through WebReg for very specific classes, and you’re looking for a place that has very specific 2-unit options. Thus, I present to you: Talia’s List of 2-Unit Classes for the Average Linguaphile!

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