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5 Classic Rom-Coms to Watch this Holiday Season!

By: Sanaa Alam ‘25

One of the best parts of the winter holidays is cuddling next to the fireplace with a warm cup of hot chocolate or cider, spending time with family and friends, and watching holiday movies! As an avid rom-com watcher, here’s my favorite 90s and early 2000s movies perfect for embracing the holiday vibes this winter season!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Time to Recharge: Here’s What I’m Doing Over Break

By: Sydney Fiorentino ‘24

The semester is almost over, and if you are like me, your social battery may need some recharging. I would say I’m an outgoing person and partially extroverted, but there are definitely times where I would love to stay home and watch Netflix by myself. I’ve noticed USC is a pretty social school, and I get to see my friends every single day and night. However, I do get tired of partying or going out every weekend, and sometimes I just want to sleep and be left alone. Now that winter break is coming up, this is the perfect time for me and anyone else to recharge their social battery. Here are some things I am going to do to help myself relax:

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