USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Expand Your Career Horizons at Explore @ 4

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Have you ever heard of Big Data? Big Data explains that with the world’s use of technology constantly growing, the mass amount of data we produce can be organized and analyzed for key insights. Yesterday at Explore @ 4, there was a panel of five data scientists working for various companies, Dun & Bradstreet, Verizon, Netflix, KIPP, and OpenX, who use data to solve business problems.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Learn More About Your Future Career Path at Explore@4

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I was sitting in the computer lab with nothing pressing until 6:30pm. Yes, I could have done all of my prepared reading for weeks ahead, but we’re at USC—surely something had to be happening on campus. I scanned events online and looked at the clock—3:45; I could make it to Explore@4.

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