USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

SC Spotlight, Campus Life Trojans360 SC Spotlight, Campus Life Trojans360

Preview of (most of) Theatre Productions at USC This Semester

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

USC has many theatrical productions every semester. There’s a comprehensive list somewhere. I don’t have that. I have the Facebook invites that my friends in the School of Dramatic Arts send me because how else do I know if I thing is actually happening unless it’s on Facebook? The arts are incredibly important and I would urge you to see as many of these productions as possible. USC has amazing students studying acting and who act just for a hobby. These shows are cheaper than the ones at the Pantages or professional theatre companies here in Los Angeles, you don’t have to drive and try to find a place to park, and all of the shows I have seen have been incredibly high quality. And there’s a show for everyone! Let me explain.

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

SC Spotlight: Musical Theatre Repertory (MTR)

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Ever feel like you need more musical theatre in your life? Good, so it’s not just me! Obviously because USC is amazing at everything, we have an extremely strong theatre and music program put on here by the university. But what about the superbly talented students who want to create the production from the ground up? HAVE NO FEAR. THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU (or a place for you to watch really talented people sing and act while you secretly eat a power bar).

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