Trojans360 Articles
OWHP Brings Dogs to Campus
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
To help students lower stress level during this hectic finals season, the office of wellness and health promotion brought some cuddly study buddies to campus. Trojans 360 caught the whole experience on video!
The 2016 Ed Wood Film Festival
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Last Saturday, a series of films were screened seeing if USC students could make better films in 24 hours than the notoriously awful filmmaker Ed Wood could his entire life. Trojans 360 was there to capture the results.
Art as Activism as a Blog Post
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
On the surface, “art” and “activism” feel as if they could conflict with one another. Activism has a specific goal rooted in the real world and often brushes up against the uglier side of humanity. Art, on the other hand, is about boundless creative expression, often depicting beauty. Yet at their cores, the artist and the activist are quite similar people. Both are deeply passionate about their emotionally involving work. So the question becomes, how does someone exist as both an artist and and activist? Last Sunday, at the Los Angeles Festival of Books, I attended a panel that answered this very question.
A Look at Arts in the PAHRC
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Last Saturday was the Arts in the PAHRC event, and Trojans360 was there to capture all its creative glory.
7 Tips for a Broken Computer
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Hey is your computer broken? Then watch this video!… Like on your phone or something.
Differences Between USC and Winter Break at Home
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Having been home for a while, I’ve noticed that there are some slight differences between being at school at USC and being at home for winter break. I’ve outlined some for you here. Take notes.
The Single Saddest Story Ever Told
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
This most recent weekend, USC took part in a football game with less than happy results. Talking about it is a key part of the grieving process. Join us in a firsthand account of this: the single saddest story ever told.
In Memoriam - USC Students Remember Fresh & Easy
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Saying goodbye to something you love is hard, but if we grieve together things can possibly be a little more (Fresh &) Easy. Join Trojans 360 as we honor a store that touched our tastebuds and our hearts.
Top 5 Ways to Rekindle Your USC Spirit
By: Michael Boyle ‘18
Feeling down after that Stanford loss last weekend? No problem. These 5 tips will have you fighting on in 3 minutes or your money back.