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New Year’s Resolutions For College Students That Are Actually Possible to Achieve

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

We all have our opinions on 2015. If I could put mine into one word, it’d be tumultuous because 1) the word tumultuous cracks me up and I love using it and 2) my year was a riot. My entire attitude about my year and how I see 2016 going can be accurately illustrated in this GIF below. Last year, I wrote a post on resolutions that are possible to achieve. It included self-improvement goals such as loving yourself, trying new things and treating your body like a temple. These are objectives I believe we all should be achieving even after college. But right now, during your glorious college years, your new year’s resolutions should be focused on ways to enhance your USC experience. I came up with 10 solid ones I wish I had someone tell me take on when I was still a student at USC.

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