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Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Have half of your meal swipes and dining dollars left? Here’s A Guide to Campus Dining Halls 

By: Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

As the semester ends and you’re cramming a semester’s worth of information into Quizlet flashcards, food can start to feel irrelevant (here’s your reminder to nourish yourself and get your meal swipe’s worth while you still can!). Whether you have 30 unused swipes or have an unlimited plan, here’s a quick guide to USC’s campus dining halls.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

3 Reasons Why Parkside IRC Is The Best Freshman Dorm

By: Justin Negash ‘22

Getting Parkside IRC was definitely my last choice on the housing portal. Everyone I knew in USC was telling me how IRC was antisocial, dark, and “away from all the fun”. I thought my freshman year, for lack of better words, would suck. Instead, I got an experience unlike any other.

Here are 3 reasons why Parkside IRC is the best freshman dorm.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

How To Dining Hall

By: Natalia Wurst ‘21

Even though dining hall food is currently the most unappreciated aspect of my college experience, I know it will quickly turn into the metaphorical “one that got away” the minute I have to cook anything more complicated than pasta. Multiple sources have confirmed this fact. That being said, if you’re a freshman, or even a sophomore/junior/(senior?) with a meal plan, it’s perfectly valid to be sick of months or even years of the same old, same old. No one is denying that this a first world problem, but the struggle is a struggle nonetheless.

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A Look at Arts in the PAHRC

By: Michael Boyle ‘18

Last Saturday was the Arts in the PAHRC event, and Trojans360 was there to capture all its creative glory.

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