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5 Pre-Health Clubs to Join on Campus!

By: Sanaa Alam ‘25

Are you interested in joining clubs to meet like-minded pre-medical friends while helping the community? Look no further! Here’s a list of clubs I have joined that allow you to serve the community through science and can help you meet friends who you might see in your pre-health classes:

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Club Spotlight at USC: ASBME!

By: Celine Vazquez ‘24

If you’re in the Viterbi School of Engineering and are looking for some awesome clubs to join, I got your back. ASBME (also known as the Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering) is a professional, academic, and social club at USC that helps mentor and guide students through their biomedical engineering pursuits. I’m currently a freshman representative on ASBME’s E-Board, and I can’t wait to share all of the amazing things this club is doing this semester to make USC a better, more innovative place. Let’s get started!

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The New Feminism: STEMinism ft. Cool Women Scientists at USC!

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

Challenge: name one woman scientist… other than Marie Curie. While Ms. Curie certainly earned her title as the quintessential female scientist with her discovery of radioactivity and the elements radium and polonium, she is just one small piece of the larger picture of women in science. Women have made invaluable contributions to science, despite many obstacles preventing them from succeeding in a field not historically welcoming to females. But times are quickly changing, spurred on by passionate, brave, intelligent women in all fields of research. It is therefore with great pride that I would like to feature some of these incredible women making big strides in the world of science right in our very own USC community.

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