Trojans360 Articles
My Experience in Quarantine
By: Kristen Adams ‘25
For more than two years, COVID has been a part of our lives. I had never gotten COVID, but that quickly changed this month when I received a call that I had been in close contact with someone who had it. The very next day, I tested positive for COVID-19. This is my experience with scheduling, preparing for, and being in quarantine here at USC!
Sick Day/Day-Off Checklist
By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22
Being perfectly honest, I was never one of those people who got perfect attendance. I just couldn’t do it. At some point during the year, I’m either going to come down with something or just completely burn myself out. I’m a believer in breaks sometimes being necessary and that there is nothing wrong with them, but as college students, we do have responsibilities and we can’t just throw them to the wind at every whim. So, before you go ahead and skip that 9AM lecture because you’re feeling a bit off, run through this list and make sure you have all your pieces in place.