Trojans360 Articles

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Moving to Los Angeles as an Oregonian

One of the most unique things about USC is its ability to draw in students not just from California but from the rest of the United States and beyond. I happen to be one of those individuals. Aside from spending a few formative years in the Netherlands, I grew up in Portland, Oregon. Although it seems just a hop, a skip, and a jump away from Los Angeles, moving to an entirely different environment has made it feel like I’m living a thousand miles away.

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

Everything New USC Transfer Students Need to Know

As someone who transferred to USC as a sophomore, I completely understand how confusing and disorienting it can be to start at a new university without the safety net of dorm life and special welcome events to fall back on. It can be hard to jump right into your classes while still trying to learn where the lecture hall is or where to get lunch. Hopefully Trojans360 can help soften your LA landing by providing a roadmap of practical advice and wisdom from those who’ve transferred to USC before you.

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Careers Trojans360 Careers Trojans360

Free USC Career Resources (That Aren’t Career Advising)

Before I started working at the Career Center in my sophomore year, I assumed USC’s career services were limited to their in-person advising appointments and online job boards. If you’re unfamiliar with the general or school-based career centers, you might be unaware of just how many free resources USC offers to help you prepare for a successful career.

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Student Union Cultural Centers Remodeled

On October 31, the 4th floor of the Student Union officially reopened after months of remodeling, providing the numerous cultural centers located there a home once again. Prior to this grand reopening, these groups continued to operate while finalizing the changes, including meeting in various locations within the Student Union and its surrounding USC buildings before the 4th floor space became available to the public. Now, these groups can have a regular, comfortable, and revamped meeting spot.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Six Steps to Become a Sustainable Trojan

It’s time to take sustainability up a notch! In response to the growing climate crisis, USC’s Office of Sustainability has launched Assignment: Earth, a framework for creating a healthy, just, and thriving campus and world, with goals of carbon neutrality by 2025 and zero waste by 2028. The university is striving towards these goals with new initiatives to eliminate single-use plastics, encourage recycling, and conserve water accompanied by the Green Week campaign every fall.

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Careers, College Trojans360 Careers, College Trojans360

Tips to Find an On-Campus Job (From a USC Career Center Intern)

It’s never too late to find an on-campus job. Trust me, I didn’t hear back from my work-study job until Thanksgiving break of my sophomore year. Over the course of three months, I had applied to dozens of on-campus jobs to no avail. Between midterms and holiday stress, I was discouraged and defeated. I was convinced I wouldn’t find a job at all that year if I hadn’t secured one already. Out of the blue, I landed an interview at the USC Career Center. Two years later, I was promoted to Lead Student Engagement Intern. 

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College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Embracing The GE Requirements

We have all complained about the GE system at USC. Whether it’s having to read tons of books as a STEM student or remembering how to do math as a musician, GEs often put us in uncomfortable spots, take up a lot of time, and feel entirely unrelated to both our current work and our future careers. There’s no denying that there are many flaws in USC’s general education system from just how many of these credits you have to take and the money you pour into them, the lack of options with pages worth of WebReg dedicated to classes only open to certain majors, and the amount of work and expertise that can be expected in a field you have no background with.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Slice Shop @ TCC Pizzas Ranked from Worst to Best

I was somewhat surprised when TCC began selling pizza slices this school year. I understand the pasta place next to it, but when college students already get so much free pizza from club events and campus talks, pizza that costs money better be worth it. I tried all of Slice Shop’s Pizzas and ranked them from worst to best. Here’s my take:

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Health & Wellness, Campus Life Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Campus Life Trojans360

The Reality of Starting USC with an Autoimmune Disease 

Starting college offered the chance to start over in a way that absolutely thrilled me, but in 2020, as I was preparing to start that chapter, I also got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Navigating my new diagnosis during a pivotal time of my life left me with a lot of whys and hows. Chronic illness was poised to take over my life and conspired to ruin my college experience.

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

Hot Pot and KBBQ Places I Recommend

By: Kristen Adams ‘25

Looking for a new place to grab dinner with friends? Whether you are a seasoned hot pot lover or a Korean Barbecue (KBBQ) newbie, I have compiled a list of my favorite hot pot and KBBQ spots around LA and especially Koreatown that I frequent with my friends on the weekend. Bon appétit!

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