USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Should You Become an RA? 3 USC RAs Weigh In

I got the chance to speak with three current and former RAs to learn about their experiences being RAs at USC and to hopefully help prospective RAs make more informed decisions about applying to be one. The RA Application for the 2024-2025 school year opens on November 15 and is open through January 7.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Tales of a Money-$mart Trojan

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

It’s said college is the best time of your life. When else can you party on Thursday, have 24-hour access to a library and, if you have a meal plan, eat unlimited food with one swipe of a card? Despite the luxuries and freedoms of being a full-time college student, there is nothing quite like being ‘college broke.’

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Trojans360 Trojans360

USC Move-Out Hacks

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

We all want to get out of here with our limbs intact. That was an odd way to start, but you know what I mean. Leaving Troy can be intense and stressful, but these hacks may help you manage the madness:

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

The Smoothest Move-In

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Moving in with someone is a big step in any relationship, so not matter how well you know your soon-to-be roommate, it’s perfectly natural to be a little nervous. Whether you met through mutual friends, knew each other in high school, found common ground in your generic posts in the USC Class of 2020 facebook group, or both opted for the “random roommate” in an admirable leap of faith, there’s no way you know what it will be like to live with them until you actually do.

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