USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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USC Schools as D&D Classes

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Even though we’re all in college now, studying our lives away and striving for a future where we’re all serious adults, we all wanted to be heroes as little kids. We wanted to go on adventures, slay dragons, and maybe wreak a little havoc on the world. If higher education hasn’t stomped the adventurer’s spirit out of you yet, you’ve probably heard of Dungeons and Dragons, a world-famous tabletop roleplaying game that’s spawned popular web series, podcasts, and memes (yes, I’m one hundred talking about the moral alignment charts on USC’s meme Facebook group). As a result, you probably know what alignment you are. But do you know what class you are? If you’ve ever wondered what kind of hero you’d be in another world, read on as I try to assign every school at USC a D&D class.

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Study Abroad Trojans360 Study Abroad Trojans360

Save the Climate and BISC-499!

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Stressed out because you aren’t doing anything productive this summer? Want to study abroad in China? Want to do research on climate change and its impact on the ocean? Check out USC’s Problems Without Passports course BISC-499: Our Future Changing Ocean. Due to a recent last-minute student dropout, we need at least one more student for this course to continue. As someone who is really passionate about environmental conservation, I would really love for this course to continue. If you’re interested please keep reading!

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Study Abroad Trojans360 Study Abroad Trojans360

Home is Wherever There is Food

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

People always say that the best way to really immerse yourself in a new country is to live with a homestay family, especially when you’re trying to learn a new language. And I’m going to have to agree with the masses on this one, though at first I had my doubts.

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