USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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4 Ways to Stick To Your Resolutions

By: Judy Lee ‘17

A few weeks after the magic of New Years dies down, it’s hard to continue to fight on (ha ha, pun intended) for your resolutions. Here are several things to consider when you struggle to regain motivation:

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Trojans360 Trojans360

3 DIY Lip Scrubs (for NYE!)

By: Judy Lee ‘17

It’s December 31st and you know what THAT means. If you’ve got that special someone for the countdown (or that person at the party you’ve been eyeing), or if you want to start 2016 with amazingly soft lips, read on!

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Graduation, then Google

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

I met Evan Brown on a Peaks and Professors Hike this semester and upon hearing he was a senior, asked the (for many) dreaded question, “What are your plans after graduation?”

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