USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

A night at the APASA Cultural Arts Expo

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

After being away from campus for so long, my friends and I itched to attend USC events whenever we can. APASA’s Cultural Arts Expo is one of the organization’s flagship events. It’s also Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month at USC, and we’re Asian, so of course my friends and I had to check it out.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Academic Opportunities for Newly Admitted Freshmen

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

Hello, prospective freshmen! First of all, congrats on being admitted! Whether you’re committed to USC or still weighing your options, consider applying to these outstanding opportunities and programs, some of which have deadlines this April well before school starts next August.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

10 Ways to Volunteer Online and Do Good From Home During COVID-19

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

We are in the midst of an unprecedented challenge, united against a common invisible enemy. At this time, many of us may feel the urge to do something to help out, but social distancing rules prevent us from coming into contact with others and even just leaving our house. And while donating is another way to contribute, many are not in a position to do so due to the global financial situation now. Fortunately, modern technology allows us to make good use of our skills and do good from home no matter where we are in the world, whether it’s in the form of translating, playing games or counseling via text.

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