USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

Trojans360 Trojans360

10 Ways to Volunteer Online and Do Good From Home During COVID-19

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

We are in the midst of an unprecedented challenge, united against a common invisible enemy. At this time, many of us may feel the urge to do something to help out, but social distancing rules prevent us from coming into contact with others and even just leaving our house. And while donating is another way to contribute, many are not in a position to do so due to the global financial situation now. Fortunately, modern technology allows us to make good use of our skills and do good from home no matter where we are in the world, whether it’s in the form of translating, playing games or counseling via text.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Celebrating My One Year Teacherversary

By: Camila Grases ‘21

Almost one year ago today I joined JEP’s Readers Plus Program as a reading and writing tutor. And while this job is a little different from your regular teacher-in-front-of-twenty-students type of work, it still presented some really interesting challenges for me.

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

The Shaukat Initiative: A Trojan Family Education

By: Talia Walters ‘20

If you’ve looked at my writer’s bio (available just up there at the top of the page if you’re interested in learning more about the writers of Trojans360 – I promise we’re really cool people!), then you know I spend a lot of time teaching languages. Luckily, this past semester, I was given the opportunity to teach French to high school students, allowing me to make my love of language education accessible to those students who are often forgotten in the Trojan Family. I was an inaugural member of the Shaukat Initiative.

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