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The Zodiac Signs as USC Schools and December Finals Horoscopes

By: Talia Walters ‘20

It is the time of the greatest strife during the fall semester; classes are coming to an end, and we’re gearing up for a turbulent time for all of us. We’re squirming to get out of classes, escaping back to our snowy home landscapes or the sunny beaches of vacation paradise. After Thanksgiving break, we enter a season that makes us ready to drop out of college and move onto bigger and better things. I’m talking, of course, about Sagittarius season. But, in all reality, finals season is also upon us, and in the face of the stress that is my exams, I figured a fun little romp through the planetary alignments might be just the distraction we need before we all ace our exams. Check out your star sign below, and you’ll be matched with a USC school and given a December Finals Horoscope. No worries - they’re all good. And stay strong as we move through a stressful Sagittarius season!

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