Trojan Marching Band: Behind the Scenes

By Lilly Diaz ‘20

For those that don’t know me, I am a huuuuuge lover of music. Ever since I was able to walk and talk, I have always had a love for singing, dancing, and playing instruments.

I recall one day actually digesting the idea that I was finally a senior trombonist in my high school (this past spring) band. And when I received my letter to USC, I remember feeling stoked about joining the Trojan Marching Band (TMB) as a trombonist. And look where I am now – a freshman at USC and in the TMB.


If you or someone you know is interested in joining the band, keep reading. I will explain various aspects of the TMB that you might not have known about before. Some of these aspects, frankly, I was not fully prepared for. I am not here to discourage you, but to encourage you to join! For though there are some struggles that you may have to face while in the TMB, once you’re part of this world, you just can’t seem to leave it.



First off, once you join – you are given the titles of hierarchy that we have come to know and love: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. No matter what year you are in uni/college, however many years you are in band pretty much determines what your level of hierarchy is.

Band Camp

Oh, the beloved band camp. It is about a weeklong and it’s usually before school/football season starts. From personal experience, this is probably the most difficult in the TMB. Spending hours from 8 AM till 10 PM working on how to do a chair or how to do a right or left flank made me tired. Don’t get me started on holding my trombone for several hours.


Though I would not necessarily say it gets easier after band camp, it sort of does. Knowing your fundamentals is essential and will help a looooong way in the TMB. So if you plan on joining, GO TO BAND CAMP.


One aspect about band that one must be prepared for is having a TAN. Endless hours on Dedeaux Field and Cromwell Track & Field without any skin protection (or if you’re like me when skin protection hardly does anything to protect your skin, unless you get SPF 100) will result in a tan. 

However, there is an upside. Your friends will be curious envious of your tan, and will ask about your new skin.



After several hours of dedication to this band, you realize that some of the people in your class, or section, or squad are actually your friends. You might occasionally forget to step off and have to either run a lap or hit the deck. And while you will have to suffer crazy heat in the TMB uniform, as you scream for the TEAM and sing the Fight Song, you see that the people around you are after one goal: keeping up the school spirit through music. Oh, and you also have the constant reminder that music is a friend, too.


Overall, the Trojan Marching Band is the GREATEST MARCHING BAND IN THE UNIVERSE (EVER!). In the TMB, one must give their all. In the TMB, there is no giving up. I made the best decision of my academic career by joining. I definitely encourage anyone from any year to join. 

Learn more about joining the TMB.


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