What To Do If You Realize Your Passions Too Late Into College

By: Talia Walters ‘20

Video Summary!:

If you still have time before you graduate:

1. Explore, explore, explore - USC has classes in almost anything that you can think of, and they usually make those classes accessible to students of any ability level and major. If you see a class that even remotely interests you, then sign up for it. Even if you hate it at the end of the semester, you’ve learned a new skill, and that’s still pretty neat.

2. Never be afraid of failure - Sometimes your first choice is the wrong choice, and you’re just not meant to do something that you thought you’d really love. That’s okay. You can quit something that you’re just not vibing with, and the world is not going to end. In fact, you’ll probably be happier.

3. Use the USC resources you have - USC wants you to succeed, and they have a whole host of resources to help you. The career center is a really great option for people trying to figure out how to make their passions a career, and the student organization directory is helpful for finding groups of like-minded people that can help you discover your passions.

If you’re also a graduating senior:

1. Make the most of the time you have left - A year is a really long time to get things done. Get involved in your interest as much as you can in order to open as many metaphorical doors for yourself as physically possible. 

2. Use USC to make connections - Everyone at USC has connections. Your professors are usually really cool people who have big names, and your friends might have done some cool internships or have worked for some important people. Ask around, and help yourself bust into an industry by making the right friends.

3. Google is your best friend - Since you’re starting later than everyone else, you’re going to have missed a lot of the basics that come with whatever you want to get involved with. Google will become you best source for learning all of the basic information that you missed from the beginning; it’ll have all the answers you need. 

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