When All of Your Friends Go Abroad...

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

It’s that time. First semester juniors are saying their goodbyes as they pack up for 8 months for good. A solid amount of USC students go abroad the second semester of their junior year and we, their friends in any and every grade, must somehow learn to live without them because Skype only does so much. 

Partially, I know it is slightly my own fault. I had to make friends with people. I knew I should have been a hermit, just to protect myself from this pain. I hope all of you understand that I am using hyperbole to make a point, but nevertheless, I am slightly sadden that a majority of my friends are exploring Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, and many different countries without me.

BUT that means I, and everyone left behind, get to explore more things around campus and meet new people! I have some tips for you to make it through the spring semester without your besties.

1. Keep in Touch

Just because they are not at your side anymore and may not have WiFi, you can still use tons of different apps and stay in touch with your friends! WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and GroupMe are great apps for messaging that only use WiFi. Email is a great tool as well, like letter writing but not so much. Phone calls may not be possible but Skype can always be used if you can find a time for both of your time zones. Stay in touch!!

2. Get Involved On Campus

A lot of clubs and organizations do spring recruitment and welcome new people into their families in the spring! Join Peaks and Professors and do weekend hiking trips. Join USG and have weekly meetings with other motivated undergraduate students. Go on USC website and look at all the different clubs. Just sending out an email can result in a new friend group and activity to do!

3. Reach Out to Your Network

We all have those friends. “Let’s get lunch!” “Yeah, totally!” and you never do. Next semester is definitely the time to get in touch. These are people you like and when you hang out with them, it’s a fun time! They’re just not your top 5 that you have been friends with since freshman year. It is time to get creative. Talk to people in your class. Hang out with people who are in your organizations/clubs. Find other ways to meet new people!

4. Find a Job or Internship

Fill your time! There are always some on-campus jobs or jobs around USC’s campus to fill your time. Additionally, there are many internship opportunities downtown with some really cool ideas that you can apply for and work for in the spring to do something else. Also focus on your studies and reach out to your professors more!

5. Don’t Make it about You

Yes, you’re sad. Yes, technically they are “leaving” you but they are about to go on one of the biggest adventures of their lives. Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity and you can’t make them feel bad for taking that opportunity. Love and support them because they are your friends and get ready to like some badass photos on Instagram. Comment on some photos on Facebook. 

6. Make Future Plans

So you can’t see them from January to May. If they’re coming back to LA for the summer, make plans for when they get back! Make a huge day out of it! Have something to look forward to instead of just focusing on the sad part of them not being here right now. It’s kinda like when you’re in a long distance relationship, you have to something to look forward to, a light at the end of the tunnel. 

7. Wallow but Move On

Your feelings are important and having a close friend move away can be difficult but you can’t let it ruin your spring semester. You are amazing and so are your friends and we can make the best out of anything. Be like Beyonce and find your halo. 

Fight on!

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