Why the Rest of the School Year Should Be like the First Two Weeks

And other long titles by Kelly Kinas ‘17

The first two weeks of school are great but unfortunately, they have come to an end. But I firmly believe that the first two weeks of school have some pretty strong ideals that should continue throughout the school year. Let me explain.

You’re Confident


You were home for the summer and it’s not really your domain anymore. But USC. You go to the best universities in the world. You walk around for the two weeks like you own the world. We need to keep this confidence going throughout the school year.

Feel this way when you walk into that test or when you’re writing your first WRIT 150 essay. You’re awesome. Remember that.

You’re Friendly


You talk to people you don’t in your classes because you’re kind of forced to. You converse in the Habit line in TCC. We should continue this throughout the year and really make this Trojan Family seem smaller.

Get to know EVERYONE throughout the whole semester. Be your friendly self through midterms and finals.

You have time to socialize


There isn’t much homework assigned the first two weeks. You can meet up with old friends and talk for hours without feeling guilty about not doing your work.

With time management, this is possible all year round. Use your free time to get ahead on the syllabus or write the first paragraph of that essay. It’s the small things that always build up. Nip it in the bud. You got this.

You’re Excited About Everything


You’re back at USC! Everything is fantastic and new again. Seeing a friend is makes your day.

We should never get apathetic about being where we are. I try to be as appreciative of USC whenever I get the chance. I get like a hyperactive puppy when I get a free USC t-shirt or free boba. We need to keep this positive, excitable nature throughout the semester to make it through the tougher times.

Bring these traits every week, not just the first two. Get pumped that we’re here at SC and that’s all for now! I’ll see y’all on campus


Fight on!


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