Why you Should Pick USC: Honest Review

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Commitment day is coming around the corner. While USC has been in the media for less delectable reasons recently, it truly is an amazing school. After spending a few nights at Berkeley, UCSC, UCLA as well as some privates on the east coast, I’ve decided that USC is the place for me. Here are some reasons why I appreciate USC (as well some things I would like to change).


USC hasn’t had the best history with the South Central community it’s situated in. The gentrification of having a college campus in a neighborhood where most household incomes are less half the tuition is inevitable. Nevertheless, USC is putting great efforts trying to integrate itself on the community. From the Good Neighbors campaign to student volunteer organizations through JEP or other clubs, USC puts a lot of effort into promoting the wellbeing of the surrounding neighborhood to leave a positive impact.

That aside, I think USC has a perfect location in LA. It’s nestled just south of DTLA. It close enough that getting to Little Tokyo, KTown, and all the other hubs in DTLA is easy but also far enough to avoid the worst of the traffic. Honestly, traffic is bad enough near USC that I’m glad we don’t need to deal with all the angry drivers in DTLA.


WIth 3 Metro Expo stops around campus as well as countless DASH and Metro buses, USC is an easy bus ride away from everything. As someone who commutes to and from Santa Monica twice a week, I’m very grateful for the Metro Expo line. It’d be really cool if we could get a special student deal for the Metro Expo line similar to UCLA’s Bruin Go’s program, though.

Bike and Skateboard friendly!

*cough* UCLA hill *cough*

USC is flat and wheel-friendly. I learned to skate this year so I can make it from class to class during those 10 minute passing periods. One complaint I do have are the bricks. I get it, yellow and red, but seriously? If you do plan on learning to skate, I definitely recommend getting a lower board so you don’t get caught up on the cracks between the bricks.

Great Dorms

Yes, USC had its own housing crisis. Yes, there are Spring admits living in floor lounges. But also, of all the dorms I’ve stayed in, USC has the biggest ones. Also, it’s rare in other schools for freshman to have the opportunity to live in nontraditional dorms (aka a triple with a shared floor bathroom), but half the freshman residence halls are suite style. As a resident of Parkside, I am VERY pleased with the AC, private bathrooms (with bathtubs!), non-lofted beds, and windows.

Plus even our lofted rooms are much better than the UCs with the shelved staircases and suite-shared bathrooms.

Campus Size

After realizing that a walk across campus at UC Santa Cruz can take literally 90 minutes, I am VERY happy that I can get from my dorm in Parkside to the opposite end of campus in 20 minutes. USC definitely won’t feel small as a freshman, but in comparison to other major university campuses, it definitely is on the smaller side. The campus doesn’t feel constricting in any way so honestly, it’s the perfect size. I do wish we had more green space and nature on campus, though.


Alright… so USC is NOT known for great food, but the food isn’t awful. Compared to our good neighbor over in West LA, we can’t compare. We definitely could use more variety. Some more fresh fruit (eg. berries) would be a welcome addition, too… But hey, on the bright side we don’t have to deal with putting backpacks in lockers like UCLA.

I’m also very happy that two of the three dining halls have outdoor seating. 5-star rating for EVkitty! <3

Also also: USC has a bunch of great food nearby. Situated less than 10 minutes from Ktown, Little Tokyo, DTLA, as well as having all the options in the Village is definitely a luxury.

Interesting Classes

USC has everything from surfing to human cadaver classes! Regardless of what major you’re in, there’s a bunch of amazing electives to explore. My favorite class so far is Classic and Contemporary Fairy Tales (taught by Aimee Bender). 

(Mostly) Efficient Class Registration

Unlike the UCs, USC lets you register for all your classes at once rather than two at a time, allowing you to plan all of your classes at once (hey, I said plan, not actually get). This isn’t to say that registration isn’t stressful and glitchy, but I enjoy being able to have all of my classes rather than only a few.

Note: I say this as I’m waiting for the CS department to release the CSCI lectures since none have been out yet… Definitely grateful that I didn’t have this problem when registering for the last two semesters. 

Great Research

Researching with faculty as an undergraduate is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Yes, it’s scary to cold email a bunch of professors and yes, most of them won’t respond. Even so, I have had no trouble finding research opportunities. This year, I worked in two labs: one at UPC and one at HSC and I will likely join another this summer. 

Research funding is always fairly generous. Between SURF, SOAR, and Provost, it’s likely you can get up to $3000 in grants for your research. Furthermore, most PI’s have access to URAP which can cover more undergraduate funding.

Study Abroad

USC has countless opportunities for you to study abroad. Can’t afford to spend a whole semester abroad due to rigorous major requirements? No problem: Check out Maymesters, Problems without Passports, and Alternative Winter and Spring breaks! I knew I wanted to study abroad in college – I just didn’t think I’d get a chance to until later. I’m going on my first study abroad adventure this summer to do research on climate change in China!

Closing Thoughts

I can’t believe freshman year at USC is almost over. It’s been such an amazing experience, and I honestly can’t picture myself going anywhere else. From my suitemates to my bio buddies, I’ve made so many supportive friends. I can’t wait to see what next year has to offer! 

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