You Made It!

By Kelly Kinas ‘16

“I’m so proud of you” - your grandmother


“This was the best that you could have possibly done and you’re amazing” - Barack Obama


“Those finals should have bowed down to you and you’re awesomeness because you killed it” - Harriet Tubman


FINALS ARE OVER. School is over forever for some of you and to you, I say,


Officially, the fall semester of USC has ended, finals are over, and YOU, MY GOOD FRIENDS, MADE IT. 


You did the things to take the finals and get the grades.


All those late nights, all-nighters in Leavey, early morning study sessions, and horrible study group when no one knew anything, everything paid off.

What’s exciting now is that you get to go home and spend time with the people you love, whether that be your family, your high school friends, or your dog. After the horrendous stress of finals, you can finally relax and do what you want to do over winter break eat and watch Netflix in bed.


What always perplexes me is the concept of finals. Some of the smartest people I know are brought to tears because of finals and the, frankly, unnecessary stress the comes along with it. I understand that professors need to test their students to make sure that the class is following along and actually learning the material. What’s crazy to me though is that most of the information we students push into our heads leaves right after the final. This type of high pressure testing situation doesn’t really make us more intelligent humans. It causes us to become incredibly stressed for 2 weeks and then have this euphoric moment of relaxation once it all is over. So you know, thank you professors for helping me experience all of the emotions, hills and valleys of life.


Obviously, it is not anyone’s fault by my own that I spent so much time studying these past two weeks and Sundays throughout the semester out to brunch. But the way I see things, you have to make sacrifices for the things you love (brunch) and I make choices every day to make sure I do get everything done with enough time to do it well. Really, that’s what life is all about and what college is teaching us. Life is about making choices that affect us for the rest of our lives; college simulates that for us on a semester, if not daily, basis. 

While finals season is not by no means my favorite week of the year, we all have to suffer through them together and learn to make the right choices, or choices in general. But just for now, you have another 6 months until you have to go through this again!! Don’t think about it until then!


“You believed in yourself and you succeed. That is all that matters” - Winston Churchill


“Dude. That semester was bomb as hell. You’ve made it as a successful human being” - Genghis Khan


“You didn’t try, YOU DID IT.” - Yoda


Fight on!

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