10 Instagrams Photos You Probably Have if You Go to School in LA

By (social media guru) Kelly Kinas ‘16

Let’s be real: it’s hard to come up with an original Instagram photo and caption these days. You think of something creative and new to you and then when you search the hashtags, everyone said the same thing! For me, it’s not a bad thing to have a common photo (what some people call “basic”). If you go to school in Los Angeles, you definitely have at least 3 of these photos on your Instagram. How many do YOU have?


1. Your college campus with a caption saying something along the lines of “I guess school isn’t so so bad”


This doesn’t have to be USC specific. Most of the colleges around LA are very similar and BEAUTIFUL. Take it all in, take a pic, and enjoy watching the likes come in. Other common captions are “It’s not hard to go to class when the campus looks like this” or just the “okay sign” emoji.

2. You on a beach with a caption like “Life’s a beach”


Caption is not just this. Others include “School is hard”, etc. This is nothing to be ashamed of!! We went to school in California for a reason! Soak up the sun rays before you get a job in Ohio. 

3. Picture with the Hollywood Sign after a “hike”


Hike is in quotations because I had the misfortune of thinking an actual hike would be this easy; it wasn’t. This is a CLASSIC Los Angeles thing to do. Go for it! It’s hard to get a pic because it’s either from behind or far away but do it! You’ll look cute because you won’t be sweating!!

4. Picture at Disneyland (Bonus points if you’re in a sorority’s shirt and double bonus if you’re doing their hand sign)


Disneyland is very LA even though it’s in Anaheim. Tons of people from Chapman have annual passes but it’s also pretty common to see people at USC and UCLA to have an annual pass as well. The Castle pic is a solid one and who doesn’t love a solid princess picture??

5. Dodger stadium with a caption like “Sports are fun”


If you’re like me and really enjoy going to Dodger Stadium, you have a lot of pictures like this. Captions vary but going to at least one professional sporting event is an important part of exploring any city. 

6. At LACMA with the lamp posts or the yellow noodle things


I wanna say the noodles are a little more recent but these are just classic photos. The noodles are more a daytime photo and the lamp posts are more of a night time photo for that beautiful light.

7. The angel wings from Downtown LA


Classic LA College Facebook profile picture. It is absolutely stunning (those COLORS though!!!) and going around Downtown looking around at the street art is something I would definitely recommend to everyone!

8. California Donuts (Bonus if you get the panda one)


Are they as delicious as they look? I don’t know, I’ve never had them. But they look really cool and look SO CUTE for the Instagram. 

9. Last Bookstore picture (Bonus if it’s with a novel pun)


Downtown Los Angeles has a lot of cute Instagram pictures. The Last Bookstore is a great place to shop for books and lots of cute photo opportunities.

10. Santa Monica pier photo with the Ferris Wheel


Who doesn’t love a beach sunset? Or just a really cute picture of the pier? Like I said earlier, enjoy the beach while you can!! Take a cute video on the rollercoaster! Try to win a stuffed animal! You’re cute! Take tons of photos!!

This is not a shame post! Most of these things are really fun to do and no one should feel weird posting about them. People usually do really fun things and taking ideas from someone else’s instagram is not bad. You probably won’t be the first person to take the photo but you enjoyed your photography and that’s all that matters. 

Keep Instagramming and Fight on!


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