4 People You Will Run Into At Halloween Parties This Weekend

By Judy Lee ‘17

Halloween is always a blast–especially in college. Turning up is just different when you have a cool costume on. But sometimes, shit gets weird (or awesome, depending on your tastes). Here are some of the people you’ll be running into this weekend:

1. The Overachiever


This Overachiever doesn’t just dress like Batman, talk like Batman–they ARE the Batman. They are fighting to save Gotham from villains, though are maybe not necessarily what this rager deserves. They’ve been planning for this night since November 1, 2014 and finally get their spot in the limelight.

2. The Underachiever


The Underachiever had good intentions, but maybe have had one too many midterms (read: Netflix binges). A quick stop by GoodWill and Chano’s was what ultimately saved this person from being the weirdo at the Halloween turnup who didn’t bother to look the part and in some cases, earned them free admission into the party.

3. The Rebel


Unlike the Underachiever, the Rebel just cannot be bothered to care at all. They’re usually on the sidelines looking down on all the silly adults who dressed up like children. Also most likely to ruin Christmas.

4. The Squad


Similar to the Overachiever, this is the squad of superiority galloping around the center of the room. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have never had so many shots because after all the planning and coordination, they are officially cool.


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