4 Stages of GPA Awareness

By Judy Lee ‘17

1. Fear


Have they been released yet? When will they be released? Is it five or seven business days after the last final? When was the last final again?

2. Panic


Do I open it even though it’ll completely ruin my holiday mood? What if I have to tell my family I’m a failure? Like, a literal failure? Should I just pretend it never happened?

3. Prepping for disappointment


Maybe I should just look now. Get it over with. It’s like a ripping off a bandaid. A quick glance and at least I’ll know where I stand.

4. Flashbacks to all the ragers you went to


Man, that was a lot of raging. I should have probably been studying. You know, what? College is equal parts educational and life-experience. I can do whatever I want.

5. Sinking remorse


But maybe as I rapidly enter adulthood, I should realize that my choices are no longer my own…Am I even prepared to be an adult, though? What does it mean to be an adult? Do I have to have good grades every semester?

6. Whatever, next semester


I’ll just do better next time (repeat until senior year).

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