5 Tips for the Commuting Student

By Samantha Romero ‘16


1.Bring Something to Do

Long car or metro rides can easily become a bore, especially when you’re listening to the same songs over and over again on the radio. So whether you’re taking public transportation or driving, create a playlist with a variety of music to help alleviate the morning commute. 

If you’re taking public transportation download a book on your iPad. While studying abroad in Paris, I would always carry a book with me on the metro rides to pass the time.


2.Leave Early

The key to avoid stress while commuting is to leave early. Expect the unexpected, and avoid the stress of traffic jams and car accidents by leaving with at least an hour of time.


3.Communicate with Professors

Communication is key. Let your professors know about your situation. If you’re caught in traffic or there is a delay in public transportation send your professor an email.


4.Take advantage of on-campus programs and activities.

There are a variety of clubs on campus to check out so find one that fits you. Clubs and organizations usually have weekly activities and potlucks that you can attend to avoid traffic on the drive home.


5.Be Prepared

Unfortunately you can’t run back to your imaginary dorm to pick up the homework you forgot or a spare jacket. However, you can pack a few snacks and a change of clothes. Always be prepared so a little rain or stomach growling doesn’t get in the way of your day.

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