Missin ‘Murica: A Homesick List

By Judy Lee ‘17

Don’t get me wrong, studying abroad is an immense privilege and every day I am grateful to wake up and experience something new. But I’m not going to pretend like there’s no place like home. There is a big chunk of my life missing from the current picture: 

1. Large portions


I have such a profound appreciation for Costco. They not only have samples, but astronomical portions for a decent price. While it may not be healthy all the time, it sure is economical. Besides, who doesn’t want 500 chicken nuggets at a time? Sadly, frowned upon here.

2. Not-pounds


Conversion rates when it doesn’t work in your favor. Missing the ability to spend my money without having to constantly multiply by 1.31 (approx). Although, to the UK’s credit (ha), the price you see on the price tag is what you get because tax is already incorporated into the final price!

3. Fahrenheit


Okay, so we measure things in a dumb way because it makes no mathematical sense and literally no one else on the planet uses it but us. But, it’s been difficult to not do a double take then shake it off when someone says it’s going to be 10 degrees (celsius) outside. Can you tell I absolutely love math????? 

4. Free USC Uber


Petty. A very LA complaint, this one. I admit, USC spoiled me with not having to walk anywhere anymore. And while the Tube is plenty efficient at getting me place to place, no one talks in the carriages. The person-to-person interaction is definitely more open in the U.S. 

5. Actual Mexican Food


BIG PROBLEM. They have Chipotle here (for more money due to the lovely conversion rate), and some posh tapas places, but I’m talking LEGIT Mexican food. Of course, I didn’t expect it to be amazing since…well…it’s nowhere near Mexico. Still miss it like crazy, though.



Anyone who knows me knows that this is a nail in my coffin. My blood is red not because of the red blood cells, but because of the powdery dyed fairy dust that is sprinkled on hot cheetos. I mean, come on. They have every flavor of Dorito you can imagine, but no kind of ANY cheeto in sight. The ones that do exist run for about 7 GBP (about $10 USD). Doing my best not to spiral into shelling out that much…but will keep you updated…

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