USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Look Up: Paris

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Hey there! I’ve decided that while I’m abroad, I might as well document these once-in-a-lifetime memories through a compilation of footage I get while hopping from place to place. So with that, I introduce to you…The Look Up series, by yours truly.

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Study Abroad Trojans360 Study Abroad Trojans360

The Truth About Being “That Annoying Person Studying Abroad”

By: Judy Lee ‘17

I’ve definitely been there. My older sister studied abroad in France when I was in high school and I remember her returning from her trip and complaining about the disgustingly large food portions America has. “There they go again,” we all collectively say, “just another study abroad student bragging about their trip that somehow makes them so much more special now.” Not gonna pretend that isn’t the attitude most people have, and the person I have come to sympathize with.

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Difference between class at USC and London

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Having been a the University of Westminster for almost two months now, I’ve come to steadily realize the minor (and major) differences between going to school in sunny Los Angeles and going to school in moody London. They certainly came as a shock to me, but are rational in a different train of though, which I respect.

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Study Abroad Trojans360 Study Abroad Trojans360

Missin ‘Murica: A Homesick List

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Don’t get me wrong, studying abroad is an immense privilege and every day I am grateful to wake up and experience something new. But I’m not going to pretend like there’s no place like home. There is a big chunk of my life missing from the current picture:

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5 Culture Shocks You’ll Run Into In London

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Being dropped into a strange place is great, I’ve found. It not only gives you an appreciation for something new, but something you may have had along. Studying abroad in London has definitely allowed me to appreciate the states while growing fond of the land beyond the pond. Here are a few things that struck me while I’ve been here this past week:

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

4 Ways To Beat Jetlag

By: Judy Lee ‘17

As classes start back up, it sucks to tackle jetlag on top of classes. After an 8-hour flight, here are some realizations I’ve had that may help you the next time you have important stuff to do after you land. Sometimes you just gotta:

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The Importance of Traveling Alone

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Traveling alone is often glorified yet not given the respect it deserves. It is also often not taken as an opportunity. However, in my opinion, it is critical and absolutely necessary for everyone to travel alone at least once. It doesn’t matter whether this entails a trip of 20 minutes or 20 months–only that you have time to be alone with yourself and figure out how you can literally live with yourself.

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London Calling

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Time to break out my ‘Ello Govnah playlist, which I’ve been constructing for upwards of 13 months now, because I’m about to leave for the airport to Londrés, which translates very nicely to London.

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